Overcoming Our Computer Addiction

26 January 2012

It was computer day again today. My kids are used to being able to play on the computer for as long as they want, whenever they want so long as there is no homework. Well, since I took them out of public school I decided that we needed a more structured way to deal with the computer time. My husband and I decided that limiting their computer usage to 2 to 3 hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays would be a good place to start. 

I haven't set the best example for them on this as I played World of Warcraft from the time my oldest was only 9 months old until almost a year and a half ago. It was a hard addiction to kick. To entertain my kids while I played, and because children learn by example, each of my kids has been playing on the computer since around two years old. Now before you go and get all up in arms about how horrible it is that my kids start playing on the computer at age 2, let me tell you that I have been diligent in teaching them where they are and are not allowed to go on the internet. Which basically comes down to you can't go anywhere but Friv, NickJr, Poptropica, Playhouse Disney, and Starfall. (Starfall is an awesome website for preschoolers btw, my two boys taught themselves the alphabet and their numbers up to 12, without my input at all!)They know that there is big trouble if I find them on any other site that I have not approved.

All that aside though, I agree that we, as a family have had way too much time on the computer and not enough time playing together and being outside and active. Hence the drastic change. But of course, if I am to expect my kids to stay off the computer, I have to set the example. So I have immersed myself in everything I have known I should be doing for a very long time but have always for an excuse not to. Like doing laundry everyday and reading more books, keeping the house clean and orderly and spending more time actively doing things with my children. So, while my children played on the computer I cleaned the kitchen and did the laundry, taking short breaks in between to read my book, The Lonesome Gods by Louis L'amour.

I have never been a fast reader and in the past it has usually taken me several months to get through a 400 page novel. But I am determined to read this book in a week and it is nearly 600 pages. It is a big goal, but I know it is possible. I have done it before (when I read the first Harry Potter book I finished in in 2 days!) and I can do it again, and continue to do it from now on. It seems a little slow starting as I generally read fantasy novels it is taking me a little bit to get into the setting. Wild west is definitely different than enchanted forests.     

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