
29 February 2012

First thing this morning Ra and El had eye doctors appointments. Ra has an astigmatism forming and needs a stronger prescription but El's eyes are fine, he might even be slightly far-sighted. The doc told me to just keep an eye on him (no pun intended) and keep that in mind when he is reading if he starts struggling with the smaller print. We went home and had a snack and the kids watched some videos on how eyes work and how light makes colors.

We had to run some errands down around the south side of the Salt Lake Valley so when we were done we went to visit my sister and her kids at their new house. I helped her unpack and clean up a bit and the kids had a fun time playing and exploring the new house with their cousins.

It was cold and overcast but I thought nothing of it until I was on the freeway heading home for my usually hour drive. As soon as I got onto the freeway the snow storm hit and we crawled along at 35 mph all the way home. It took us two hours. We listened to Little Women by Louisa May Alcott during the drive, though the kids were asleep for a good part of it. 

After we arrived home safely and had dinner Ra and El asked if we could buy Ca his birthday presents. We asked them how much money they had in their piggy banks and how much they would want to spend on their little brother. Ra said she would spend all of it because she could always earn more. That was not the kind of answer my hubby and I liked and we had a long discussion with Ra about saving and being industrious and (looking to the girls in Little Women for examples) setting moral goals to be a better person. We encouraged Ra to write an entry in her notebook every day and not just write one thing she learned that day, but write about everything she learned that day. And to have fun with it and draw and create on the pages as well.

For story time Ra decided she wanted to read Pixie Hollow Tales: Beck's Bunny Secret  by Tennant Redbank and The Fairy Berry Bake-Off by Daisy Alberto on her own. She read aloud to us. That is the most I have heard her read on her own in one sitting. While we listened to her read my hubby decided to start making a family website. A place for us to keep a digital record of what we do and our goals etc. We still have a lot of work to do on it but it will be fun and I hope my hubby now feels an little bit more involved in our homeschool efforts.

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